Sunday, February 13, 2011


Julia and I met for breakfast in Granja de Moreruela.  Shortly thereafter we parted ways as she headed north and I headed northwest.

The marker that indicates the fork in the Camino

Change was in the air.

Not only was the topography changing into much more hilly terrain but the weather was also changing. The temperature was dropping and about five kilometers from Tabara it started to sprinkle. By the time I got there it was raining steadily. 

My guidebook stated that I should go to the "ayuntamiento", city hall, for instructions on how to get to the albergue. Unfortunately the city hall was closed. I decided to walk the half kilometer to the albergue in the hope that it was open - it wasn't! So, back to the main square to a bar where miraculously they had a key.
After a hot coffee, it was once again back to the albergue where I had my choice of 14 beds.

Later in the evening I walked back into town where there was a little shop that seemed to have almost everything, including, thank God, a pair of thinsulate gloves. The 5.20 euros were to become a good investment. Later, in the bar I heard that the forecast was for four days of rain.

 The changing terrain near the approach to the Rio Esla

At approximately the location where this photo was taken,
the remaining five arches of  a medieval bridge used to be seen.
Unfortunately they were obliterated by a flood in 2006. 

This unusual square tower is all that remains
of the 11th century Monasterio de San Salvador
in Tabara

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