Sunday, February 13, 2011


Having arrived in Santiago de Compostela a couple of days ahead of my plan and not leaving from Madrid to return home to Canada until November 14, I had plenty of time to sight-see in both Santiago de Compostela and Madrid. The former is a beautiful city, a UNESCO World Heritage site that, although focused on the Cathedral and the major buildings surrounding it, has many other sights worth exploring. One can get delightfully lost wandering the narrow streets that seem to meander in every direction. There is a raucous night-life no doubt driven by the large university student population. They certainly kept me from going to sleep early.

I purchased a ticket to take the train to Madrid on Tuesday afternoon. Before walking to the train station  to leave I decided to drop by the main square in front of the cathedral on the off chance that Franck was there. And there he was standing in the middle of the square in bright sunlight. He was so engrossed in the scene that he didn't see me until I was standing right beside him. We were overjoyed to meet each other again and vowed to keep in touch as we have continued to do to this day. 

Reunited after three weeks!

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